Dyje 2007

Nacházíš se v: Martinova Fotogalerie » Oušák a kol. » Dyje 2007 (stáhnout fotky jako ZIP archiv)

thumb of O1040677

[150 KiB]

Denver: Recorded Delivery http://narsg.uk/stmap_21ojktcc.h

thumb of P1040581

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thumb of P1040582

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thumb of P1040588

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thumb of P1040595

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thumb of P1040597

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Martin: Dyje pod Znojmem

thumb of P1040598

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thumb of P1040599

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thumb of P1040600

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thumb of P1040601

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thumb of P1040608

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thumb of P1040609

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Martin: Na jezu v Tasovicích

thumb of P1040610

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strohel: Akční!

thumb of P1040611

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thumb of P1040612

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thumb of P1040613

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thumb of P1040614

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thumb of P1040615

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thumb of P1040616

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thumb of P1040617

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thumb of P1040618

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thumb of P1040619

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Martin: V Krhovicích na jezu

thumb of P1040620

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thumb of P1040621

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thumb of P1040622

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Martin: Výborná koupačka

thumb of P1040623

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Martin: Proud byl slušnej i po celé délce stoky

thumb of P1040624

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Martin: Místo, kde odbočuje Mlýnská strouha

thumb of P1040625

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thumb of P1040626

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thumb of P1040628

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thumb of P1040631

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thumb of P1040634

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thumb of P1040635

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thumb of P1040636

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strohel: Při chození po vodě je těžké držel balanc, proto

thumb of P1040637

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thumb of P1040638

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thumb of P1040639

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thumb of P1040640

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strohel: zapomněl skrčit nohy.. ;)

thumb of P1040641

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Martin: Skákadlo na strouze

thumb of P1040642

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thumb of P1040643

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strohel: Jirkova obdivuhodná akrobacie

thumb of P1040644

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thumb of P1040646

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thumb of P1040647

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strohel: Toto byl jeden z komfortnějších podplavů

thumb of P1040648

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Martin: Byl problém podjet i silnici III. třídy

thumb of P1040649

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thumb of P1040650

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Martin: Tři kopečky platit navíc, taková byla situace v ho

thumb of P1040651

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thumb of P1040652

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thumb of P1040653

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thumb of P1040654

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strohel: Při prohlídce funkčního vodního mlýna s uchechtáv

thumb of P1040655

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thumb of P1040656

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thumb of P1040657

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thumb of P1040658

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thumb of P1040659

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Martin: Toskánský sloup

thumb of P1040660

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thumb of P1040661

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Martin: Mrkna sahající těsně nad vodu nám nedovolovala pro

thumb of P1040662

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Martin: Mlýn ve Slupi

thumb of P1040663

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Martin: Plavbu pod Oleksovičkami znepříjemňovalo potrubí v

thumb of P1040664

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Martin: Kemp Pálava v Nových Mlýnech

thumb of P1040665

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Martin: Ráno po vichřici a lijáku

thumb of P1040666

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Martin: Ve 3:45 se přehnala další větrná smršť

thumb of P1040667

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Martin: Hráz PN Nové Mlýny III a v pozadí Dívčí hrad

thumb of P1040668

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thumb of P1040669

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Martin: Pája s Terezkou

thumb of P1040670

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Martin: Oběd za zvuku elektrárny u začátku Zámecké Dyje

thumb of P1040671

[157 KiB]

Martin: Zámecká Dyje

thumb of P1040672

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Martin: Pořádně to naprat dopředu, pak couvnout, a zase se

thumb of P1040673

[189 KiB]

pmunuezwsn: cqf3cH <a href="http://wlkqdgojbqgv.com/">wlk

thumb of P1040674

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thumb of P1040675

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thumb of P1040676

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thumb of P1040678

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thumb of P1040679

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Walker: What part of do you come from? http://qnimate.com

thumb of P1040680

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thumb of P1040681

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thumb of P1040682

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Martin: Výletní plavba

thumb of P1040683

[140 KiB]

cqpecewbcwc: St1ecf <a href="http://yiuhxlsfoywz.com/">yi


powered by sgal version 0.5.3 | format: 70% jpg | maxsize: 200 px | path: ousak_ a_kol/2007-07-19_dyje | done in 0.369s | comments took 0.106s