Vltava 2008

Nacházíš se v: Martinova Fotogalerie » Vltava 2008

thumb of M1050631

[159 KiB]

Hollis: Remove card https://www.forward-now.com/stmap_21wi

thumb of P1050600

[89 KiB]

Martin: Tak tahle se nepovedla

thumb of P1050601

[55 KiB]

Martin: Bc. Martin Spárky

thumb of P1050602

[108 KiB]

Sparky: Petaň právě nenápadně souká ven z okna náš skromný

thumb of P1050603

[72 KiB]

Sparky: Luxusní špionáž luxusního stehýnka

thumb of P1050604

[77 KiB]

Martin: Lo siento y adios

thumb of P1050605

[169 KiB]

thumb of P1050606

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Kristopher: I've lost my bank card https://www.forward-now

thumb of P1050607

[123 KiB]

Martin: Největší problém bylo dostat do barelu Petagnův sp

thumb of P1050608

[78 KiB]

thumb of P1050610

[81 KiB]

Martin: Start byl mokrej

thumb of P1050611

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thumb of P1050612

[145 KiB]

Martin: 1. zastávka byla hned pod lávkou

thumb of P1050614

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thumb of P1050615

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thumb of P1050616

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thumb of P1050617

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Martin: ..va hoši guten Tag

thumb of P1050618

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thumb of P1050620

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thumb of P1050621

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thumb of P1050622

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Martin: 4. pivo je Petra

thumb of P1050623

[79 KiB]

Martin: Johndeere

thumb of P1050624

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thumb of P1050625

[57 KiB]

Willy: Not in at the moment https://www.bridgetronic.com/s

thumb of P1050626

[84 KiB]

thumb of P1050628

[79 KiB]

thumb of P1050629

[77 KiB]

Sparky: Petaň zkoumá počet svých vypitých půllitrů.... no

thumb of P1050630

[159 KiB]

thumb of P1050632

[158 KiB]

thumb of P1050633

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thumb of P1050634

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thumb of P1050635

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thumb of P1050636

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thumb of P1050637

[182 KiB]

Sparky: Plně naložená Taula váží asi tak ... 500 kilo :o)

thumb of P1050638

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thumb of P1050639

[128 KiB]

thumb of P1050640

[191 KiB]

thumb of P1050641

[111 KiB]

thumb of P1050642

[121 KiB]

thumb of P1050643

[124 KiB]

Martin: Dosáhnul stropu mostu

thumb of P1050644

[161 KiB]

Cletus: I've lost my bank card https://www.forward-now.com

thumb of P1050645

[129 KiB]

thumb of P1050646

[99 KiB]

thumb of P1050647

[129 KiB]

Lorenzo: I don't know what I want to do after university h

thumb of P1050648

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thumb of P1050649

[150 KiB]

Martin: Dlouhá retardérka ve Větřním

thumb of P1050650

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thumb of P1050651

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thumb of P1050652

[162 KiB]

Martin: absolut zevl

thumb of P1050653

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Martin: jez Papouščí skála

thumb of P1050654

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thumb of P1050655

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thumb of P1050656

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thumb of P1050657

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thumb of P1050658

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thumb of P1050659

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thumb of P1050660

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thumb of P1050661

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thumb of P1050662

[159 KiB]

Sparky: Autorem Fernando Alonso ... Vamos !!!

thumb of P1050663

[130 KiB]

thumb of P1050664

[107 KiB]

thumb of P1050665

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Martin: Do pekla po červené

thumb of P1050666

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thumb of P1050667

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thumb of P1050668

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thumb of P1050669

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thumb of P1050670

[79 KiB]

Martin: Prasklá poloosa

thumb of P1050671

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thumb of P1050672

[64 KiB]

thumb of P1050673

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thumb of P1050674

[113 KiB]

Sparky: Und cén ojro navrch - za německou mluvu!

thumb of P1050675

[42 KiB]

thumb of P1050677

[57 KiB]

thumb of P1050678

[58 KiB]

Sparky: Dost pěkná fotka !!!

thumb of P1050680

[104 KiB]

Martin: Po tomto obrázku následovalo několik pěkných fotek

thumb of P1050681

[177 KiB]

Martin: Nestihl vyklidit stan

thumb of P1050682

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thumb of P1050684

[153 KiB]

Sparky: Lira - náš plavební highlight!

thumb of P1050685

[142 KiB]

Martin: Nejvostřejší jez v Krumlově: jez na Liře

thumb of P1050686

[143 KiB]

thumb of P1050687

[161 KiB]

Sparky: Posádka letadlové lodi Taula

thumb of P1050688

[178 KiB]

Sparky: Vltava 008 - Bylo to dobrý !!!

thumb of P1050689

[191 KiB]

Sparky: Kam se na Vltavu hrabe Niagára ...

thumb of P1050690

[169 KiB]

vdkkoazi: e1EOy5 <a href="http://nqcndxrotrdt.com/">nqcnd

thumb of P1050691

[146 KiB]

thumb of P1050692

[155 KiB]

thumb of P1050693

[156 KiB]

Martin: Plavili jsme se rovných 50 km

thumb of P1050694

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thumb of P1050695

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thumb of P1050696

[97 KiB]

Martin: R 1430/1 Šumava

thumb of P1050697

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thumb of P1050698

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Martin: Tak tady bydlim kluci

thumb of P1050699

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thumb of P1050700

[123 KiB]

thumb of P1050701

[106 KiB]

Martin: Neriskoval výstup z rychlíku za jízdy a zvolil rad

thumb of P1050702

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thumb of P1050703

[104 KiB]

thumb of P1050704

[132 KiB]

thumb of P1050706

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Martin: K naší Šumavě připojili expres, kterým se vracela

thumb of P1050707

[85 KiB]

Martin: Detektivové Spárky a Petagne odhalili Lucindu skrý

thumb of P1050708

[86 KiB]

Sparky: Máme tě rádi !!!

thumb of P1050709

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thumb of S1003043

[82 KiB]

Martin: Z Prahy vyjeli poze dva, ale před společností z Br

thumb of S1003044

[91 KiB]

Martin: Teď začly Spárkyho fotky

thumb of S1003046

[90 KiB]

Sparky: Když na Hlavák, tak stylově :)

thumb of S1003047

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thumb of S1003048

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thumb of S1003049

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thumb of S1003051

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thumb of S1003054

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thumb of S1003055

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Martin: Výjezd za vodního stavu 73 cm na vodočtu ve Vyšším

thumb of S1003057

[122 KiB]

Sparky: Hiphopové duo "Taula bojz"

thumb of S1003059

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thumb of S1003060

[127 KiB]


powered by sgal version 0.5.3 | format: 70% jpg | maxsize: 200 px | path: 2008_07_Vltava | done in 0.739s | comments took 0.308s